Buy your Domino's Pizza Coupons for $10!

We hope you enjoy our exclusive deals made just for you! By purchasing our Domino’s Pizza coupons, you help us make our community more inclusive for you and our youth!

$10 Domino's Pizza coupons in collaboration with Heads Up For Inclusion.

Coupons are just $10 each for a value of $40 each!

Option A: Purchase coupons in person at our office at 175 George St. N Peterborough

Monday – Thursday 9-2pm.


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HUI would like to tell you about all the wonderful and exciting plans we have. You can find out more about our monthly plans by joining our mailing list below!

Our Mission

Heads Up for Inclusion promotes and encourages connections leading to the development of permanency in relationships, so any individual facing barriers to inclusion can participate more fully in the life of their community.

A group of 5 students are huddled together in a group. They are all wearing blue Amigos t-shirts and are standing outside in the sun. Pictured behind them is a local park with grass and trees.


HUI and our Amigos in the Community

Service Dog Training

Community Conversations

Individuals gathering at the first annual Abilities & Inclusion Movement Event. Heads Up for Inclusion banner leads the parade.

Heads Up For Inclusion Rally

Through a wooden rectangle there is a young individual connected to a harness. The individual is smiling happily

Camp Kawartha

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