The Community Program is for adults (aged 18+) with or without disabilities whom are facing barriers to inclusion. Participants are paired up with volunteer Connectors who share mutual interests and goals. Pairs meet up regularly to participate in leisure and recreational activities. Lasting relationships are built, and connections are made in the community.
It’s fun and accessible!
“I am proud to say that I am a Connector in the Amigos program and have personally seen the difference the program makes in people’s lives. Heads up for Inclusion is an organization that does not only help individuals, but challenges expectations on what is possible for people with barriers. The experience of being involved with HUI is a constant reminder that a barrier is not a limitation, only a challenge to overcome.” – Matt, Community Connector
“My time as a community connector for the Amigos program has been rewarding and pleasant in many different ways. From the first visit I had with my amigo match Lydia, we had an immediate connection and could relate to many different things. During bus rides, we play games asking each other questions [and] Through this game we realized we both enjoy reading, watching some of the same movies and shows, spending time with our siblings and shopping! So far we have had trips to a painting class, mall, movie theatre and buffet lunch together and each visit we had a lot of fun and learned a lot about each other. I enjoy helping Lydia do things such as ride the city bus and practice skills for public transportation and prepare her to fully order for herself at restaurants and donut shops.” –Julia, Community Connector
“What is amazing to hear is all the “firsts” that Khidir has been able to experience with a friend as a result of the program. Both Khidir and Calvin played Frisbee golf for the first time in July and really enjoyed it! Calvin took Khidir fishing and he caught his very first fish! We are proud to be partnered with New Canadians Centre and Fleming College.” – “Khidir’s story, published in the Fall 2017 Amigos Newsletter
Amigo Connectors
Mentors in the program can develop skills such as interpersonal communication, an empathetic understanding of others, employable skills, and expanded community awareness.