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Hello! Thank you for purchasing our Heads Up For Inclusion X Dominos coupon. We hope you enjoy our exclusive deals just for you! By purchasing our vouchers, you help us do what we do, which is to make our community more inclusive for you and our youth.
Heads Up For Inclusion is a non-profit organization geared by a group of hard-working staff, volunteers and board members thriving for a more inclusive community.
Isolation is something a child or adult should not have to feel. The feeling of not being included is disheartening as we might have felt the same once upon a time. Seeing kids in your class playing together while you watch from a distance is something we try to decrease. We know this chain of loneliness and isolation continues into adulthood within our workspaces and community.
This is why Heads Up for Inclusion strives for an inclusive community governed by inclusive activities, events and advocation. Heads Up For Inclusion is dedicated to providing the necessary work to build a more inclusive community for you and our youth.
Click on our video below to hear from our Executive Director, Tiffany Christie, about your coupon.